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Itzen Resigns as Minister of Corporations

April 8 2023

On the evening of the 4th of April, prominent Phillip politician Owen Itzen announced that he would be resigning as the Minister of Corporations. Itzen served as the first and only Minister of Corporations since its establishment in early February and has overseen the establishment of several businesses within the country. His resignation came as a shock to many Phillip politicians as Itzen reportedly seemed to enjoy his work as the Minister. Itzen refused to provide a reasoning behind his decision until yesterday when he spoke with a reporter from the Phillip Daily on the matter. Below is a quote of Itzen explaining the reason behind his resignation:

"'Cause people weren't happy with me having a seat... and I tried to serve the people of Phillip and it didn't seem to work out." - Former Minister Owen Itzen
Former Minister Itzen posing for selfie with boyfriend

In the quote above, it seems like Itzen could be referring to supports of Minister Reed Von, whom he had a controversy with in mid-February. The controversy started when Minister Itzen blocked Minister Von from establishing a business due to a political disagreement. Minister Von then opened a lawsuit against Itzen, which never went past the planning stages and has since then been dropped by Von. In the same interview, Itzen stated that he doesn't believe what he did was illegal or corrupt, but decided to resign anyway.

His decision also could be part of the effort that Itzen has begun putting into his Presidential campaign. He may want to seem as uncontroversial as possible in attempt to gain more supporters. Following his resignation, Itzen also requested that before President Jaxson Renny's term is finished that he remove the Minister of Corporation's ability to block business applications, which as of today he has not done and is not expected to do. President Renny is also unlikely to appoint a new Minister of Corporations because of the proximity of the next General Election where the newly elected President will appoint a new cabinet.

Overall, Itzen's resignation as the Minister of Corporations certaintly grew interest in his Presidential bid, but maybe hasn't garnered him the respect he expected to receive.

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